Take the FXDepot Quiz! May 2011 | FXDepot Productions

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Monday, May 30, 2011

New Feedback Method for FXDepot!

Till now we've been giving all of you guys the 'fxdepotproductions@gmail.com' to send your feedback, questions, queries and stuff like that to, which I am sad to say nothing has come into my inbox for. So, to create a more appropriate environment for this whole feedback business, we've created a new ID to which you can send your feedback to.

You can send them all to 'feedback@somniumblog.net.tc' and I'll get it right away! I know this has been a pretty small post, and its just to inform you about this new ID to which you can send your queries to. You can also send them to 'fxdepotproductions@gmail.com'.

Anyways, check out my video channel at: www.youtube.com/user/FXDepotProductions/
Also, check out my downloads website at: www.fxdepotdownloads.zxq.net
And, also visit my blog at: www.somniumblog.net.tc

Thanks for visiting guys! Watch up for more other interesting tutorials to come and also send your very important feedback to 'feedback@somniumblog.net.tc'. 

Saturday, May 21, 2011

FXDepot New Downloads Website Up Now!

FXDepot Productions has just setup a new website only for our downloads. As of now, it may not be very extensive since we have only one download hosted on it now, which is the very own FXDepot MUZic v1.0, which we hope you will download and give us your feedback on. The website was completed and hosted online on the 22nd of May, 2011.

We hope that you will give us your comments on the website and tell us about our Windows Only Application Media Player: FXDepot MUZic v1.0!

To go to FXDepot Downloads, click here: FXDepot Downloads.

Give us your feedback and thanks for visiting!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Visual Basic Tutorials Coming Up Soon!

FXDepot Productions is going to produce a limited series of articles that use Visual Basic for creating wonderful and advanced applications for creating YOUR OWN web browsers, text-editors, softwares, converting systems, operating systems, programs and loads of other interesting stuff! Remember, we will be using the Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition to create these softwares. Any other versions of Visual Basic above the one we have already specified will be perfectly alright. But, sorry, I do not know whether lower versions will work according to the tutorials I will providing for you.

Some of the interesting things about Visual Basic are, that we can basically create fundamental or advanced programs and softwares, that will not only expand on our already well-equipped intellects about the computer world, but will help us develop our own software if necessary. First, we will be providing tutorials that are more objective-based, not really explaining the code as it is and rather telling you what should be done. As this is not the case when you want to develop your own web browsers or whatever software it may be, we shall also try to create simultaneous series' of articles focused only on the subject of Visual Basic, and we will hopefully teach about how you can successfully create wonderful programs and softwares for yourselves.

This is basically what we will be doing. As for our recently created Youtube video channel, we have temporarily stopped producing videos, since there are a few time constraints and schedule conflicts. We will be able to eradicate that obstacle within a week or so, after which there will be a consistent inflow of updated tutorials and videos. We are seeing a steady uprise in the number of viewers, but it is STILL inconsistent compared to others. Please go and subscribe to us to improve our popularity, and to allow other viewers around the world know about us, and the free knowledge we are trying to offer to the beginners community aspiring to know these things! Please view our videos, recommend them to your friends, relatives and so on, and please mention our very own Somnium Blog.

Thank you for visiting! And please give us your useful feedback by commenting in the comment box below any of our other articles and posts! Thanks a lot guys!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Inserting CSS Externally - Tutorial 2

This article is the second part in the CSS Tutorial Series. To go to the first part of this series please click here.

In the previous part of this series, we learned how to write CSS and how to integrate it into the HTML document we were writing. I explained the internal style sheet option, and a explained on how to create inline styles specific to each tag. Creating an external style sheet is not that difficult, and here is an example on how it is done:

First, we write our CSS document without the HTML in a good source code editor, I would recommend Notepad++, which you can download by going to the Notepad++ website.

So here, I've written a simple CSS document. You'll find the explanation below the image:

Here I have added CSS as a separate document and saved it with a  ".css" extension
The image you see above may not be clear, so please click it to enlarge it and view it and try to understand the code written there. Here I have assigned all text within the <p> tags to be underlined, capitalized, blue in color, 32 pixels large, written in the Times New Roman font and should be aligned in the center of the page.

Then I have added that all text within the <h1> tags should be aligned to the left of the page, should be in the color black, should be 45 pixels large and must have a line over the text. Here is how it looks like in a browser:

So, how do we integrate this external style sheet into the HTML code we are writing?

It is simple, and we use the <link> tag to accomplish this.

Here is how the strip of code will look like:

<link rel="StyleSheet" href="style.css" type="text/css">
<p>this is a test website</p>
<h1>this is a test heading</h1>

Here we have inserted the <link> tags within the <head> tags. We have added three attributes:
  1. "rel" attribute
  2. "href" attribute
  3. "type" attribute
When we insert the "rel" attribute, we give the value of "StyleSheet", specifying that we are linking the HTML document to a Style Sheet. Then we use the "href" attribute to specify the actual location of the CSS file on the computer. I saved the CSS document that is shown at the beginning of this article as "style.css", so I inserted that name into the "href" attribute. Those who are familiar with HTML will be able to understand this concept. Then we used the "type" attribute to specify the type of document we have linked the HTML document. In this case, it is in plain text, and is written in the CSS language. 

So I hope you understood how to link CSS documents to any HTML document. These kinds of CSS documents are known as external style sheets. 

Designing & Styling Text using CSS

We can design text in several ways. Here are some of the popular ways used in CSS:

  1. Styling using "text-decoration" property
You can style text by using the "text-decoration" property and by adding its different values which are:
"underline", "overline", "line-through", "blink".

Here is an example of the code in CSS:

p {text-decoration:underline;}

    2.  Styling using "text-transform" property

You can style text using the "text-transform" property which literally transforms the text into the desired alteration. You can add different values like: "capitalize", "uppercase", "lowercase".

There are many ways of styling text using CSS, and you can find more information on it in the previous article!

Thank you for visiting us here!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Introducing CSS in HTML - Tutorial 1

CSS is an acronym for Cascading Style Sheets, which, as its name implies, uses specific style sheets to change how a website looks. CSS can be integrated into HTML or can be written separately, with a link attaching it to the original HTML document. CSS is a simple language and is much easier to comprehend and grasp than Hyper Text Mark-Up Language (HTML). CSS is ONLY concerned with changing designs and the basic looks of a website and will not insert functions or scripts unlike HTML (which really doesn't create functions but more basic instructions) or JavaScript.

CSS is ONLY concerned with the "id" and "class" attributes used in HTML to identify and create new styles for that specific element specified.
CSS syntax is easy and is explained below:

For instance here is a very simple example of the syntax of CSS used in style sheets:-

 p {color:red; text-decoration:underline; text-align:center;}

Remember, to understand these examples or anything in CSS at all, you HAVE to have at least a minimal or basic understanding of HTML or it is completely impossible to understand the syntax.

Assuming you have basic knowledge of HTML, the "p" you see in the CSS syntax above refers to the "paragraph tag" used in HTML to create neat lines of text. It is called the "selector", or the tag to which you wish the changes in style or design to be made. The rest of the instructions to change the style of the text are written within curly brackets: {}. The styles that we wished to be changed, like the color of the text, the decoration on the text or the alignment of the text are called the "properties" and the changes we assign to these "properties" are called the "properties" respective "values". Each "property" is followed by a colon, and each "value" is followed by a semi-colon which refers to the end of that specific "property" or style change.

There are different ways of inserting a style sheet or independent styles into HTML or even outside as a separate document altogether, simply linked to the HTML.

1. Inserting CSS using Internal Style Sheets

It is possible to insert CSS using Internal Style Sheets, which are actually integrated into the HTML Document your are writing for your website. You can easily do this by adding the <style> tag to your HTML, which should be within the <head> tags. Here is the code explaining how it should be done. Later parts of the code will be explained below the following example:

<style type="text/css">
<p id="heading1">this is a test website!</p>

The above example may be a little confusing but it is practically one of the easiest renditions of CSS integrated into HTML as an Internal Style Sheet. Above we inserted a <style> tag in the within which we wrote our CSS selectors, and their respective properties and values. But as you may have noticed, the selector is followed by a hash, and is not the name of any tag in HTML, but the name inserted as the value in the "id" attribute in the <p> tag inside the <body> tags. If you are familiar with the "id" tag, what it does is, it specifies an individual or unique ID, or identification name to any tag, in this case the <p> tag. In the example above, I have given the name "heading1" to the text written within the <p></p> tags.

Example No.1, written at the top of this article, may confuse you, since the selector in that case is just the <p> tag. But, what this does is, it applies the specific style changes inserted to ALL the text within ANY <p></p> tag, whereas the "id" attribute is used to change styles of only ONE specific HTML tag. The "class" tag is to specify the same style changes to a group of different or same tags in HTML.

More examples on that will appear in the following articles in this CSS series.
Now, I'll explain the CSS Code in the Example No.2. The property "color" defines the color of whatever item maybe within the respective tags. In this case it changes the color of the text to the assigned value: blue. There are many ways of defining the color of text or anything else in CSS. One of the most popular are by using the Hexidecimal Codes of Color, which can be found by going to Color Picker. You can copy and paste the code, which must be ALWAYS followed by a hash (#). For example the color "black" in the hexidecimal form is: #000000. 

The next property inserted was the "text-decoration" property which defines the decoration used in the respective text. The text-decoration property has some values, like:

  1. line-through
  2. underline
  3. overline
  4. blink
You can see the effects of these values by using them in your own CSS documents. In the example above, we have sued the "underline" value which creates an underline for the respective text. The "text-transform" property literally "transforms" the text to various different values. Some are:
  1. capitalize
  2. uppercase
  3. lowercase
In the example above we used the "capitalize" value, which capitalizes each word's first letter. 
After this we used the "text-align" property, which defines the alignment of text. The "text-align" property has many values and some of them are:
  1. center
  2. right
  3. left
  4. justify
After this, we used the "font-family" property. The value of the "font-family" property is usually a group of different fonts. Here is an example of how it would look like:

 p {font-family:Georgia, Times New Roman, Helvetica;}

We add more number of fonts to make this strip of code more redundant. If the 'Georgia' font is not installed in the web browser or the computer, then all the text will assume the font of 'Times New Roman', if this font does not exist either, then it will assume the 'Helvetica' font. If any of these fonts are not present, text will assume the default installed font of the browser and computer. 
In the example above I've just written down the 'Georgia' font because it is installed and the text will assume the font successfully. 

The "font-size" property is easy to understand, and determines the size of the text. It takes values in unit pixel.

The "padding-top" property defines the number of pixels that create the padding between the top of the body and the item itself. There are many other padding properties. They are:
  1. padding-top
  2. padding-bottom
  3. padding-right
  4. padding-left
There are some more ways to create style sheets. Other than the internal style sheet above, where we wrote our CSS code in between the style tag, and specified the type of style language we were using by creating the attribute "type" and inserting the value as "text/css" specifying the style language as CSS, we can create an external style sheet, where we write ONLY the CSS code and link it to the HTML file using a <link> tag, which we shall discuss in the upcoming tutorials in this series. One of the most popular ways of inserting styles within HTML is by creating inline styles. Here is an example:

 <p style="color:red; text-transform:capitalize; font-size:32px;">
    i like eating pizzas!

In this example no. 3, instead of creating an "id" and extracting it in the CSS using the (#) symbol, we add it immediately into that specific tag by inserting a "style" attribute and adding our properties and values within quotes.

So I hope these basic things about CSS have been laid out as clearly as possible. To learn more about HTML, please download our FREE HTML Basics Guide e-book which is in PDF format and read it. You can also find more information from our video channel, you go there by clicking here.

Give us your very important feedback by commenting below and rating this article! Also, if you liked our articles, please Like Us! or Follow Us! using your Facebook or Google Accounts respectively.

Thank you for visiting!