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Monday, April 11, 2011

What is HTML? - A Basics Guide

Posted on 11:53 AM by Ram Sidh

HTML is basically a Mark-up language as applied through its full form, Hyper Text Mark-Up Language. It simply uses tags, to open and close certain commands. Learning HTML is extremely easy with a little effort, and can be applied in website designing and creating your own websites. The new version of HTML 5 is currently being written and will be released soon afterwards. CSS is also an important language to learn, both independently and complimentary with HTML code.

Here we will just go through a quick and basic guide on HTML Codes. Our video channel will SOON come up with a few videos that explain the concepts more better and give you a better understanding of HTML and how it can be used for designing attractive and perfect websites.

Creating and editing HTML codes need special source code editors, and for beginners who are starting out with HTML, I would like to recommend Notepad++, which can be downloaded for free off the internet. If you are not comfortable with this, you can also use the normal text editor Notepad installed on a Windows Operating Software, or any simple text editors found on various other operating systems.

Once you've got you're source code editor up and running, you have to primarily think of the structure of the page and how you want it to look like. It is better to not jump to any hasty designs with a lot of attractive features, and it is better for you to begin with more simple designs, like a basic heading, a few columns, some posts here and there, maybe a simple Navigation Bar made out of simple Photoshop-created pictures.

Once you've got your website's basic page structure ready, you can begin outlining it on a piece of paper, which you can keep aside for just reference. Then, you can begin by applying it to the HTML and CSS code.

Now, we will go through the basics of creating any formal HTML webpage for your website.

All HTML pages begin with the <html> tags. The opening tag, or the beginning of a specific command, always usually begins with the angle bracket, the name of the command, the closing angle bracket. The closing tag, or the ceasing of a particular command being carried out, is always an angle bracket, a front slash, followed by the same name of the command, and the closing angle bracket. For instance, the closing tag for the <html> tag is: </html>.

The <html> tag is compulsory, especially for beginners who are just learning the HTML code, and all codes written out in HTML begin with the <html> tag, and end with the </html> closing tag. All the other content, tags, attributes and elements added for the website will ALWAYS be inside or within these two tags. Then let's move on to the <head></head> tags. The <head> tag contains all the information about the code that is not part of its actual content, that you see visually on the browser screen. Information like the webpage's title, icons, links and other stuff are added within these tags. We will be learning just one other element that is added inside the <head> tags and we will continue to the content from there. As you know, the <head> tag, ends with the </head> tag, and within it the <title></title> can also be added. It describes the actual title of the webpage that you are viewing. 

I will give a brief code below, and explain its results following it:

FXDepot Productions | The best place for learning computer stuff...

What will basically appear on the webpage is something like this:

The Code from above opened in a web browser.

What happened is this: we opened the code with a simple <html> tag which is compulsory for every webpage. Then we opened the <head> tag, that carries all the commands and visual data that is not visible in the contents part of the website. We have not added any specific content, which requires the beginning of the <body></body> tags, so the page remains blank. In the <head> tags we have added the <title> tag, which shows the title of the webpage. I wrote: "FXDepot Productions | The best place to learn computer stuff..."

And so it popped up as the title of the webpage up in the Google Chrome tab there, same as it would in all the other web browsers. I hope you understood this part of the HTML basics guide. Since this is Part One, we shall continue with how to change the content, visual data and how to insert an icon for your website.

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1 Response to "What is HTML? - A Basics Guide"

wowgold Says....

the command, the closing angle bracket. The closing tag, or the ceasing of a particular command being carried out, is always an angle bracket
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