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Sunday, June 5, 2011

We Can Be X-Men Too!?

Yeah, we could probably X-Men, except the whole 'mutant-DNA-genetics-evolution' thing going on. Could technology possibly drive us to implement new aspects into our lifestyle, like being free of cholesterol? Or the ability to fly independently? Or to have metal claws protrude in between your knuckles?

The fantastic answer is...(drum-roll please!)

Yeah, kinda...

Technology could change us all into fascinating, weird mutants, with all kinds of extraordinary powers. But what kind of technology could do that? Is it HTML, CSS, Visual Basic? Of course not, that could probably bestow wonderful powers to machines and their internal programming, but what about us, as biological beings, with flesh and blood, how could actual technology intervene in all of that bloody organic mess and give us almost supernatural powers?

By now, you may have read in many other blog posts, the arrival of new bionic limbs and sense organs, that can be used in case of loss of either of those extremely important organs. The arrival of bionic limbs means good news for amputees, or physically handicapped people. Besides, the bionic hand is much more perfect and able than the typical organic hand.

A bionic hand can move freely and rotate at the wrist! It can carry many times of dead weight than a normal human hand. It is attached to nerves that flow through the hand and can improve the free movement. Since the bone structures restrict free movement of the limbs, and also a certain amount of flexibility, the coming of bionic limbs can change all of that! But that does not mean we sacrifice our supposedly God-given limbs for the sake of being able to punch through our high-school bully! It isn't worth it! Maybe it would prove to redefine the lives of many handicapped people around the world, but what about the normal guys, the common citizens of the world? What about us, don't we need supernatural powers too?

Damn right, that's why governments have been exploring the field of exo-skeletal suits, that can actually amplify the power of the limbs. It can magnify the energy generated by the limbs during work. This technology has been greatly researched into more for the soldiers of the world. If they had these stronger abilities, they would be able to handle wars much better, and the probability of them winning would increase tenfold. But, I, personally do not believe in 'war', and so, instead, it can used for laborers, hard-working constructors, lumberjacks and many other employees who work in the hard-ball town of jobs.

About teleporting, running through walls, jumping over long distances, regenerative abilities, flying, and all those things, I guess we'll have to wait another few years even before any possibilities of technologies similar to that show up! So let's hope for it, and possibly, we could be X-Men too........right?

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Do Mobile Phones Cause Brain Cancer?

According to WHO, mobile phones can be a direct cause for glioma, a type of brain cancer. Although there is not conclusive evidence to prove that electromagnetic radiation off of mobile phones and such wireless devices actually cause brain-related tumors, it is still plausible.

According to scientists, regular use of mobile phones cause their electromagnetic radiation to directly affect your brain. Many symptoms of glioma can be recognized through recurrent painful headaches, nausea, vomiting and extreme spinal nerve pain and disorders.

Cell phone companies have even written in their manuals and guides that a mobile phone should be held at least 15 centimeters away from your ear while talking. Seemingly the electromagnetic radiation actually seeps through your skull and bombards the brain.

The effect of electromagnetic radiation is even worse when it comes to children before puberty, as the skull is practically in its development process during those years and will seep and affect the brain much faster than a normal adult. This harmful radiation is actually absorbed by the human head.

Since mobile phones also use microwave radiation, which also causes dielectric heating, that can heat the scalp by a fraction of a degree. Since blood can deal with excess heat by increasing the speed of circulation, the heat can be dealt with immediately. But side-effects in rabbits show signs that the eyes develop a case of cataracts.

It hasn't been proven to actually happen in humans, which is why there isn't any conclusive evidence to prove that mobile phones are linked to a possible case of a type of brain cancer: glioma.
Check out more on this top by clicking here.

Send us your comments and queries to 'feedback@somniumblog.net.tc' or comment below! Thanks!

How Do You Set-up a Website?

Setting-up websites is not easy, and will take some time to eventually accomplish. Remember, that patience is valued a lot in this business, and if you're not able to stand with a decision you take, its gonna be nearly impossible to even have a website of your own.

Having websites is not as easy as updating or maintaining your blog. Blogs as you know, are hosted on special platforms, for example: Blogger, Wordpress. You can even host your own blog, but that too falls under the category of setting-up your own net-related site. But hosting your website is a completely different aspect of the Internet. Creating a website is basically a collaboration of several elements that come together to create your specific website. There are many free web hosting services online, but in return for their free services, they will have a suffix of their hosting service's name added to your domain name. Your domain name being the address of your site, for example: www.yoursite.freewebhosting.com

It is impossible and also equally illegal to get a domain name for FREE, without a suffix attached to it. Please do not resort to such methods, and pay for your domain name legibly. Yes, for getting independent domain names with no suffixes, you must pay money online, and get it from a domain hosting service.

But before you get a domain name for your website, you have to get your files, images, HTML documents (yes, you have to write your own codes for your website or create ones in Dreamweaver and upload them) and all those things organized and ready for uploading. Once you've done that, select a good website hosting service online.

Like I said, getting a web hosting service too has to be done legally and most of the services with the best offers are pro accounts, and you have to pay money to get them. There are also free web hosting services like the one I frequently use and also recommend, which is: Zymic.com
For premium web hosting services, you can find good ones online by searching.

How to Upload Content to your website?

There are many ways to upload your files to your web hosting account. Some of the ways are by: FTP (File Transfer Protocol), Uploading it directly using your account's File Manager, or by simply creating the website on the account's online website builder (if there is one).

What is FTP and How Do you Use It?

FTP, as mentioned above, stands for File Transfer Protocol. What it is, is a direct connection to your web hosting account, to which you can upload your files you want for your website. You don't need to manage it, just randomly upload the files as you wish. If you want to edit or delete some of these files, you can gain access to your web hosting account using FTP, and directly delete it or directly edit it. But there a few perks to getting FTP access and using it.

Some FREE web hosting services do not provide an FTP account, but do have an online File Manager. With FTP, you can actually have a much greater control with your website and how you want it to be linked with each other file. With an online File Manager, you are restricted by the software that uploads your files, some may be good and advanced whereas some may be just plain bad. 

Considering you actually have an FTP account, you first need to receive your FTP credentials first. They are your FTP Username, Host, Password and Port no (the Port no. is usually irrelevant, but the rest are extremely important to gaining access to your account). You will usually get the required information once you register for a FTP account with your web hosting service. 

Once you've gained access to your FTP account, your home-page file, or the main HTML document you want the website to open to should be renamed to 'index.html' or 'index.htm'. 

That's all there is to it. Once you've done this, you can update and create a website of your own! So enjoy it the most!

Thanks for watching, send your queries and posts to 'feedback@somniumblog.net.tc', or comment below the post. Check out my Twitter posts at '@FXDepot', our Facebook page 'FXDepot Productions' and our video channel at: www.youtube.com/user/FXDepotProductions.

Is Artificial Intelligence Even Possible?

A good question: is artificial intelligence possible? Yes, it is! Most of you would be thinking that actually creating consciences for non-living beings can be pretty absurd, and also defy the laws of nature. Besides, it goes beyond any religious teaching in the world! AI (Artificial Intelligence) is possible, though no one has had the breakthroughs that are necessary to excel in the field of AI.

People believe that AI would come in the form of servant robots, bent to our will, doing whatever we command of it! No, it doesn't need to be like that! AI can even be present in your personal computer, your TV, you dishwasher etc.

AI doesn't necessarily mean having the ability to think. In the context of computers and such, AI could even mean the possibility of computers to respond correctly to a specific command. Like when we click on our mouse, it selects or enters a file! Similarly, the TV should switch on when we may say: 'On TV', 'Open', 'Channel no.22.'

What I'm basically trying to say is the ability of a digital network to respond to commands actively and correctly. Maybe robots can come much after that, but the first stepping stone to the eventual destination would be the ability of machines to respond to active visual or sound commands, like your voice, or actions.

Your computer can also be considered a semi-conscious being, because it isn't totally independent or able to recognize situations and act accordingly. We give the commands and it will execute them according to our conditions.

So we can hope that scientists and programmers will eventually find a way to integrate trillions upon trillions of triggered responses within a containment, that will respond to each action specifically. The gathering of that kind of information could take countless number of years, but if they are able to finish it, and continuously update these triggered responses through a wireless network, it is possible to create an artificial conscience that is able to respond appropriately to the situation, first viewing the possibilities from its response memory bank, and then cancelling the least probable, selecting those that might be favorable for the given situation. Then it will execute these probabilities until the problem or situation is eliminated.

But the problem is, even this isn't AI, since the robot being itself is following the probabilities that is already stored within its memory banks, put there by human beings. True Artificial Intelligence can only be achieved when a machine is able to think outside of commands and exist and think independently, complete actions and thoughts independently without third parties that give the specific commands.

We can always hope that one day, many years from now, some group of scientists are going to discover the ultimate secret to creating wholly independent consciences capable of thought, response and problem-solving.

As always, we can only hope, and one day a robot will come into existence, that is finally capable of independent thought!

Thanks for reading this article, send your feedback to 'feedback@somniumblog.net.tc' or comment below! Also check out our video channel at: www.youtube.com/user/FXDepotProductions/.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Visual Basic 2008 Tutorial 1 - Basics

This tutorial can be found as a video tutorial at our video channel, and some more details and examples can be found in the video itself. With this Visual Basic tutorial, we start the basic foundations required to start creating your own Windows applications, programs and software.

In this article we'll discuss two specific topics, creating strings and variables in VB 2008. So, naturally, we first open up the program itself and then we create a new project and choose it as a Windows Application. We name it whatever we want, and then click OK, which automatically opens up the 'Form1' tab.

You can now edit this 'Form1' by changing options within the Properties tab towards the bottom-left of your screen. You can change the title of the Form by inserting your custom text inside the 'Text' property. You can also change the Form's icon by choosing your .ico file from the 'Icon' property.

We won't go into too many details here, since the properties tab is very easy to understand. We'll quickly move into the code of the program. So basically, we're going to present the concept of strings & variables in the example of a Message Box application.

What is a Message Box?

A message box is basically a program with a button, when clicked opens up a separate dialog box presenting the specific message to the viewer. Now, where does a string come into all of this?

Strings, as you might be knowing, are always written within double-quotations, and are the text that shows up as the message we want. But how do we command the application to open up a specific message box containing the specific text as the string? We do that using code naturally.

So first, we add a button to the form by going into the Tools and dragging and dropping the 'Button' to the space inside the form. There we adjust the size and position using the various handles present, and then we can change its style by going into the properties tab. Then we double-click the button which will open up a new tab which contains the basic code of that 'button' element. Most of the code will already be automatically entered as we transition into the 'code' tab, we only need to write in the code that gives the specific commands to the program.

So here is the code we write in after we double-click the button, an explanation will be there below it:

MessageBox.Show("My name is Ram!")

So, we created the command that, whenever the button is clicked, it is commanded to 'show' the 'message box' with the text 'My name is Ram!' which is a STRING, which is the reason why it is written between double-quotations. The dot and the parenthesis' are part of the syntax of Visual Basic code. You'll be able to understand it as you progress through the tutorials. Visual Basic syntax is somewhat similar to JavaScript.

We can also alter this basic statement by creating a variable for the STRING and just insert it into the code. So here's the code and below it is the explanation:

Dim messagecontent As String = "My name is Ram!"

So we used the 'Dim' command to specify a name for our STRING, which can be anything, anything at all. If you have some basic knowledge of CSS & HTML, you'll recognize that this situation is similar to creating 'id''s within HTML and their respective identifications in the CSS document. Then we declare that the name we've created for our STRING is used for a STRING, and not an INTEGER, which is represented as being a negative, zero or positive number. Following that, we write in the text we want displayed. 

And then we say we want to have a message box displayed upon the clicking of the button and instead of a string, we add in the name we've created for our content. This 'name' is called a VARIABLE in Visual Basic 2008.

That is it for this tutorial, more tutorials coming up soon later on!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Do Not Plagiarise Our Content!

FXDepot Productions kindly asks all the other viewers who have check out our blog that they do not copy our content. The content that we have displayed on this blog is purely for educational purposes only. We have used our experience to create easy-to-understand tutorials for others who want to learn.

Please do not copy our content, if you wish to make an inquiry into any subject or anything about the articles or videos, please send your queries and questions to 'feedback@somniumblog.net.tc'. So, as a request, we ask that you don't copy our content without us knowing. So, hope you'll follow these regulations, and more tutorials, articles & tutorials coming up soon!

Thanks to you guys a lot!

Monday, May 30, 2011

New Feedback Method for FXDepot!

Till now we've been giving all of you guys the 'fxdepotproductions@gmail.com' to send your feedback, questions, queries and stuff like that to, which I am sad to say nothing has come into my inbox for. So, to create a more appropriate environment for this whole feedback business, we've created a new ID to which you can send your feedback to.

You can send them all to 'feedback@somniumblog.net.tc' and I'll get it right away! I know this has been a pretty small post, and its just to inform you about this new ID to which you can send your queries to. You can also send them to 'fxdepotproductions@gmail.com'.

Anyways, check out my video channel at: www.youtube.com/user/FXDepotProductions/
Also, check out my downloads website at: www.fxdepotdownloads.zxq.net
And, also visit my blog at: www.somniumblog.net.tc

Thanks for visiting guys! Watch up for more other interesting tutorials to come and also send your very important feedback to 'feedback@somniumblog.net.tc'. 

Saturday, May 21, 2011

FXDepot New Downloads Website Up Now!

FXDepot Productions has just setup a new website only for our downloads. As of now, it may not be very extensive since we have only one download hosted on it now, which is the very own FXDepot MUZic v1.0, which we hope you will download and give us your feedback on. The website was completed and hosted online on the 22nd of May, 2011.

We hope that you will give us your comments on the website and tell us about our Windows Only Application Media Player: FXDepot MUZic v1.0!

To go to FXDepot Downloads, click here: FXDepot Downloads.

Give us your feedback and thanks for visiting!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Visual Basic Tutorials Coming Up Soon!

FXDepot Productions is going to produce a limited series of articles that use Visual Basic for creating wonderful and advanced applications for creating YOUR OWN web browsers, text-editors, softwares, converting systems, operating systems, programs and loads of other interesting stuff! Remember, we will be using the Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition to create these softwares. Any other versions of Visual Basic above the one we have already specified will be perfectly alright. But, sorry, I do not know whether lower versions will work according to the tutorials I will providing for you.

Some of the interesting things about Visual Basic are, that we can basically create fundamental or advanced programs and softwares, that will not only expand on our already well-equipped intellects about the computer world, but will help us develop our own software if necessary. First, we will be providing tutorials that are more objective-based, not really explaining the code as it is and rather telling you what should be done. As this is not the case when you want to develop your own web browsers or whatever software it may be, we shall also try to create simultaneous series' of articles focused only on the subject of Visual Basic, and we will hopefully teach about how you can successfully create wonderful programs and softwares for yourselves.

This is basically what we will be doing. As for our recently created Youtube video channel, we have temporarily stopped producing videos, since there are a few time constraints and schedule conflicts. We will be able to eradicate that obstacle within a week or so, after which there will be a consistent inflow of updated tutorials and videos. We are seeing a steady uprise in the number of viewers, but it is STILL inconsistent compared to others. Please go and subscribe to us to improve our popularity, and to allow other viewers around the world know about us, and the free knowledge we are trying to offer to the beginners community aspiring to know these things! Please view our videos, recommend them to your friends, relatives and so on, and please mention our very own Somnium Blog.

Thank you for visiting! And please give us your useful feedback by commenting in the comment box below any of our other articles and posts! Thanks a lot guys!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Inserting CSS Externally - Tutorial 2

This article is the second part in the CSS Tutorial Series. To go to the first part of this series please click here.

In the previous part of this series, we learned how to write CSS and how to integrate it into the HTML document we were writing. I explained the internal style sheet option, and a explained on how to create inline styles specific to each tag. Creating an external style sheet is not that difficult, and here is an example on how it is done:

First, we write our CSS document without the HTML in a good source code editor, I would recommend Notepad++, which you can download by going to the Notepad++ website.

So here, I've written a simple CSS document. You'll find the explanation below the image:

Here I have added CSS as a separate document and saved it with a  ".css" extension
The image you see above may not be clear, so please click it to enlarge it and view it and try to understand the code written there. Here I have assigned all text within the <p> tags to be underlined, capitalized, blue in color, 32 pixels large, written in the Times New Roman font and should be aligned in the center of the page.

Then I have added that all text within the <h1> tags should be aligned to the left of the page, should be in the color black, should be 45 pixels large and must have a line over the text. Here is how it looks like in a browser:

So, how do we integrate this external style sheet into the HTML code we are writing?

It is simple, and we use the <link> tag to accomplish this.

Here is how the strip of code will look like:

<link rel="StyleSheet" href="style.css" type="text/css">
<p>this is a test website</p>
<h1>this is a test heading</h1>

Here we have inserted the <link> tags within the <head> tags. We have added three attributes:
  1. "rel" attribute
  2. "href" attribute
  3. "type" attribute
When we insert the "rel" attribute, we give the value of "StyleSheet", specifying that we are linking the HTML document to a Style Sheet. Then we use the "href" attribute to specify the actual location of the CSS file on the computer. I saved the CSS document that is shown at the beginning of this article as "style.css", so I inserted that name into the "href" attribute. Those who are familiar with HTML will be able to understand this concept. Then we used the "type" attribute to specify the type of document we have linked the HTML document. In this case, it is in plain text, and is written in the CSS language. 

So I hope you understood how to link CSS documents to any HTML document. These kinds of CSS documents are known as external style sheets. 

Designing & Styling Text using CSS

We can design text in several ways. Here are some of the popular ways used in CSS:

  1. Styling using "text-decoration" property
You can style text by using the "text-decoration" property and by adding its different values which are:
"underline", "overline", "line-through", "blink".

Here is an example of the code in CSS:

p {text-decoration:underline;}

    2.  Styling using "text-transform" property

You can style text using the "text-transform" property which literally transforms the text into the desired alteration. You can add different values like: "capitalize", "uppercase", "lowercase".

There are many ways of styling text using CSS, and you can find more information on it in the previous article!

Thank you for visiting us here!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Introducing CSS in HTML - Tutorial 1

CSS is an acronym for Cascading Style Sheets, which, as its name implies, uses specific style sheets to change how a website looks. CSS can be integrated into HTML or can be written separately, with a link attaching it to the original HTML document. CSS is a simple language and is much easier to comprehend and grasp than Hyper Text Mark-Up Language (HTML). CSS is ONLY concerned with changing designs and the basic looks of a website and will not insert functions or scripts unlike HTML (which really doesn't create functions but more basic instructions) or JavaScript.

CSS is ONLY concerned with the "id" and "class" attributes used in HTML to identify and create new styles for that specific element specified.
CSS syntax is easy and is explained below:

For instance here is a very simple example of the syntax of CSS used in style sheets:-

 p {color:red; text-decoration:underline; text-align:center;}

Remember, to understand these examples or anything in CSS at all, you HAVE to have at least a minimal or basic understanding of HTML or it is completely impossible to understand the syntax.

Assuming you have basic knowledge of HTML, the "p" you see in the CSS syntax above refers to the "paragraph tag" used in HTML to create neat lines of text. It is called the "selector", or the tag to which you wish the changes in style or design to be made. The rest of the instructions to change the style of the text are written within curly brackets: {}. The styles that we wished to be changed, like the color of the text, the decoration on the text or the alignment of the text are called the "properties" and the changes we assign to these "properties" are called the "properties" respective "values". Each "property" is followed by a colon, and each "value" is followed by a semi-colon which refers to the end of that specific "property" or style change.

There are different ways of inserting a style sheet or independent styles into HTML or even outside as a separate document altogether, simply linked to the HTML.

1. Inserting CSS using Internal Style Sheets

It is possible to insert CSS using Internal Style Sheets, which are actually integrated into the HTML Document your are writing for your website. You can easily do this by adding the <style> tag to your HTML, which should be within the <head> tags. Here is the code explaining how it should be done. Later parts of the code will be explained below the following example:

<style type="text/css">
<p id="heading1">this is a test website!</p>

The above example may be a little confusing but it is practically one of the easiest renditions of CSS integrated into HTML as an Internal Style Sheet. Above we inserted a <style> tag in the within which we wrote our CSS selectors, and their respective properties and values. But as you may have noticed, the selector is followed by a hash, and is not the name of any tag in HTML, but the name inserted as the value in the "id" attribute in the <p> tag inside the <body> tags. If you are familiar with the "id" tag, what it does is, it specifies an individual or unique ID, or identification name to any tag, in this case the <p> tag. In the example above, I have given the name "heading1" to the text written within the <p></p> tags.

Example No.1, written at the top of this article, may confuse you, since the selector in that case is just the <p> tag. But, what this does is, it applies the specific style changes inserted to ALL the text within ANY <p></p> tag, whereas the "id" attribute is used to change styles of only ONE specific HTML tag. The "class" tag is to specify the same style changes to a group of different or same tags in HTML.

More examples on that will appear in the following articles in this CSS series.
Now, I'll explain the CSS Code in the Example No.2. The property "color" defines the color of whatever item maybe within the respective tags. In this case it changes the color of the text to the assigned value: blue. There are many ways of defining the color of text or anything else in CSS. One of the most popular are by using the Hexidecimal Codes of Color, which can be found by going to Color Picker. You can copy and paste the code, which must be ALWAYS followed by a hash (#). For example the color "black" in the hexidecimal form is: #000000. 

The next property inserted was the "text-decoration" property which defines the decoration used in the respective text. The text-decoration property has some values, like:

  1. line-through
  2. underline
  3. overline
  4. blink
You can see the effects of these values by using them in your own CSS documents. In the example above, we have sued the "underline" value which creates an underline for the respective text. The "text-transform" property literally "transforms" the text to various different values. Some are:
  1. capitalize
  2. uppercase
  3. lowercase
In the example above we used the "capitalize" value, which capitalizes each word's first letter. 
After this we used the "text-align" property, which defines the alignment of text. The "text-align" property has many values and some of them are:
  1. center
  2. right
  3. left
  4. justify
After this, we used the "font-family" property. The value of the "font-family" property is usually a group of different fonts. Here is an example of how it would look like:

 p {font-family:Georgia, Times New Roman, Helvetica;}

We add more number of fonts to make this strip of code more redundant. If the 'Georgia' font is not installed in the web browser or the computer, then all the text will assume the font of 'Times New Roman', if this font does not exist either, then it will assume the 'Helvetica' font. If any of these fonts are not present, text will assume the default installed font of the browser and computer. 
In the example above I've just written down the 'Georgia' font because it is installed and the text will assume the font successfully. 

The "font-size" property is easy to understand, and determines the size of the text. It takes values in unit pixel.

The "padding-top" property defines the number of pixels that create the padding between the top of the body and the item itself. There are many other padding properties. They are:
  1. padding-top
  2. padding-bottom
  3. padding-right
  4. padding-left
There are some more ways to create style sheets. Other than the internal style sheet above, where we wrote our CSS code in between the style tag, and specified the type of style language we were using by creating the attribute "type" and inserting the value as "text/css" specifying the style language as CSS, we can create an external style sheet, where we write ONLY the CSS code and link it to the HTML file using a <link> tag, which we shall discuss in the upcoming tutorials in this series. One of the most popular ways of inserting styles within HTML is by creating inline styles. Here is an example:

 <p style="color:red; text-transform:capitalize; font-size:32px;">
    i like eating pizzas!

In this example no. 3, instead of creating an "id" and extracting it in the CSS using the (#) symbol, we add it immediately into that specific tag by inserting a "style" attribute and adding our properties and values within quotes.

So I hope these basic things about CSS have been laid out as clearly as possible. To learn more about HTML, please download our FREE HTML Basics Guide e-book which is in PDF format and read it. You can also find more information from our video channel, you go there by clicking here.

Give us your very important feedback by commenting below and rating this article! Also, if you liked our articles, please Like Us! or Follow Us! using your Facebook or Google Accounts respectively.

Thank you for visiting!

Friday, April 15, 2011

New Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 Tutorials Coming Up!!

Since I've begun with the latest trend on website designing articles, I thought I'd continue in that fashion by teaching both the HTML code and the Dreamweaver software. So it is sort of complimentary to the two sects of people who want to learn web designing: 1) I'll do it the hard way 2)I'll do it the easier way!

So, this post is just to inform you guys that I'll be starting off with videos, articles & detailed tutorials on Adobe Dreamweaver soon, right after the Tutorials on HTML Coding are over. So thanks, give us your feedback through the monthly polls and comments box!

Thank you!

Creating Image Maps With HTML: Tutorial 1

Since, during the three-part series of "What is HTML?", I never really explained what the exact syntaxes were for each tag, or how to exactly structure the page, you can download my free e-book: HTML: A Basics Guide. It will give you a completely new understanding of HTML and will allow you to understand it better. It will explain the syntaxes much more deeply and how to use them in several situations. 

If you wish to download the Free e-book now, click here.

In one of my last articles, actually part of the "What is HTML?" series, I began discussing about creating image maps, independent clickable areas on an image, that can serve as links to specific sites that are defined in HTML code. I explained how it was written, the "title" attributes, the "href" attribute and the "shape" attribute. But I intentionally left out the "coords" attribute, because it was a little more advanced so to say, in respect to the article I had written. 

So, I've come back and written out this article, which thoroughly explains image mapping, its potential applications and how to create them using the HTML code. The "coords" attribute, is short for "coordinates" and implies that itself. In order to define a specific area on any image, or plane surface, we need a system by which the browser can recognize it. So, in this case, we're going to be using the basic Cartesian system of coordinates to define the area on the image. 

As I stated in the previous article: the "shape" attribute comes in 3 types in HTML. a) rectangle b) circle c) polygon. The most favorable shape that is used to define areas on a surface, is the rectangle. Circles can also be used, when we deal with buttons that around round. Polygons have much more wider applications because a much more specific form of the area can be obtained by using this shape. But, for some unknown reason, the "rectangle" is usually preferred over the others.

So, what we do is, we first decide which shape we need to use to define our image maps. After that, we have to decide the appropriate coordinates we will enter as the value to the "coords" attribute. Now, I know it is impossible to actually manually find out what coordinates the area belongs to relative to the image itself, but there is a great website, where you can actually upload your image, map it after choosing your shape, and then get the respective coordinates.

If you want to visit it, please click here.

Once you've got the coordinates for your shape, then you can create the "href" attribute, which will create the link that clicking on that area will take you to. 

So, for instance, if I have a picture of myself, and a great big RV next to me, and I especially love my RV. I want to advertise the shop that got me this wonderful RV, and I want to also share my Facebook profile page to all of my friends.

So, I have a crazy idea! I want to take that same picture, and change it somehow, so that whenever somebody clicks on the part of the image that contains me, it will directly take them to my Facebook profile page, whereas, if anyone clicks on the part of the image that contains just the RV, it will take them to the RV's seller's online website. 

So here, the use of image maps comes into play. So first, we'll insert he image using the <img> tag and the "src" attribute. Then, we'll create a title for it using the "title" attribute. Maybe we'll name it something like: Me & My RV! After that, we'll create a "usemap" attribute, and type in the image's identity. Then we'll open the <map> tag, and in the "name" attribute, we'll write in the identity we gave the image in the "usemap" attribute. Once we've don that, we'll open the <area> tag, and respectively fill out the details of each of these attributes for both the image maps: "shape", "coords", "href" and "title".

So here is how the code will look like:

<img src="meandmyrv.jpg" title="Me & My RV!" usemap="#meandmyrv">
<map name="meandmyrv">
<area shape="rect" coords="31,564,73,231" href="http://www.facebook.com/" title="My Facebook Profile Page!">
<area shape="rect" coords="45,587,21,134" href="http://www.bigcowvehicles.com/" title="Big Cow Vehicles Ltd.">

As you can see, this is how it is done. The coordinates I've entered here are just bogus, and are dummy coordinates. The image I've tried to insert is from my own PC, and if you want to insert one from the Internet itself, you can copy paste its URL instead. 

Give us some more feedback by replying to this article using the Comment boxes. Also, participate in our monthly polls, and please vote for any of them! Thank you!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Download Free E-Book for HTML From Here!

The first HTML Guide for Beginners is available Now! Below, you will find a download link to MegaUpload from where you can download the PDF document. The document is around 12 pages long and contains deep explanations of HTML Basics, structuring pages, inserting images, creating titles, changing backgrounds, using CSS, positioning of text, attributes & elements etc.

To download it, click here now!

If you're finding problems with this download, please comment below for feedback or send your personal queries to fxdepotproductions@gmail.com

The next book in the HTML Guide series is coming up, and will be for Advanced users of Basic codes. It will discuss more elements, attributes, tags, techniques, results, software and so, and will be much more in-depth than the first book was.

So, hopefully you enjoyed the book, and for those of you who found any problems with the book, you can contact me at the above mentioned contacts.

Thank you!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Free HTML E-Book for Visitors!

There is going to be a free e-book coming up about website designing and innovative new methods of changing designs and executing HTML codes. There is also a special, independent, E-Book for those who want to learn about HTML coding. It gives the latest, basic & advanced copies of HTML codes, and will come in two free sets. Namely HTML: A Basic Guide, and HTML: An Advanced Guide.

All these E-Books are free, and those who wish to download them can do so from this blog. It will be coming soon, and it is a great guide to those who wish to create basic or even advanced and specialized websites or blogs for themselves. It will help expand your creativeness and will allow you to better develop your sites for future expansion! Hope you will like the E-Books when it comes out!

Also, I would like visitors to address to my polls, please participate in them so I can change the way I present these articles to you! Also, please comment on the other articles I've posted and give us your feedback, which will be of enormous help! Thank you!

What is HTML? - Adding Content to Your Website

This article is the third part in a series of articles known as: "What is HTML?", if you have not read the first two articles before this one, then this article is of no further use to you. If you wish to go the previous article, go to this link: http://somniumtuts.blogspot.com/2011/04/what-is-html-creating-basic-webpage.html

If you wish to go to the beginning of this entire series, click this link: http://somniumtuts.blogspot.com/2011/04/what-is-html-basics-guide.html

In the second part of this series, we have read about how to insert an icon into your website using HTML, how to insert line breaks, paragraphs, section dividers, titles and background colors. In this article, we will see specifically how to insert images and how to create independent "clickable" areas on the image using "usemaps". We will also look into the explanations for the code that was written in the previous article. We shall go into depth of these codes and we'll try to explain them as best we can. We shall also talk about positioning text in this article.

Inserting images is not that much of a difficult thing to do, especially when you have the power of HTML in the grasp of your hand. With HTML, you can do almost anything to edit or insert items into your website.
You can insert images into the website by using the <img> tag, which like <br> and <hr> tags, do not have closing tags. Here is some code to show you how to insert an image into your website:

FXDepot Productions|The best place to learn computer stuff...
<img src="http://www.wormsandgermsblog.com/uploads/image/Dog%20face2.jpg/"
        title="Dog's Face">

Here is how to above code will look like in a normal Chrome window:

Dog's Face - The above code in the Chrome web browser
What we have just down is insert an image from a URL in the Network itself. You can also do this by uploading your own image into any image hosting service and using the link they give you for the image as the Source for the HTML code.

What Happened?

According to the code above, we used the <img> tag and inserted an image from a location in the internet network using its URL. We added the "src" attribute to the <img> element. "Src" stands for "source" and we inserted the "image source" as the URL of the image itself. You can insert any image like this from the internet if you just have the URL. You can also insert images from your own computer. But there a few rules to be followed for doing so. 

  • First, you must put the HTML code you have written, content, images and the stuff in your website in just ONE folder. This will be known as your website's "root directory" from where all the images, graphics, text etc. are uploaded from. 
  • This will not work if you are writing the HTML code for your website, it is better to give a specific URL of the image when you're dealing with this.
If you wish to upload images from your own computer nonetheless, here's how to do it:

First download a free FTP Client server onto your computer. I would recommend the FTP Client server FileZilla, and you can download it from here: http://filezilla-project.org/download.php

You're web hosting service, or the company that hosts your website on the internet, must have the ability to accept data into your website through FTP. You can find this out by either questioning them through FAQ, or contacting them directly. 
Once you've got your FTP program downloaded, you must get the FTP host, username, password & port  number details and then connect to your website. After that, you can continue uploading your HTML Code and images through this. If you wish to upload images from your computer itself, here is the code you have to write:

My Website
<img src="myimage.extension" title="My Image">

In the case of this above code, you have to replace "myimage" with the actual name of your image. You have to replace ".extension" with the actual extension of your image, namely: ".jpg", ".png" etc.
Then, along with the HTML code, you have to also upload your image into the website using the FTP server. Using this method, you can successfully import images from your computer to your website, without needing to upload your images into any image hosting services. 

The "title" attribute is just an added detail. Whenever you hover your cursor over the image, the text added in the "title" attribute will appear. 

Now, we shall talk about how to create "usemaps" for our images. Usemaps are just certain clickable areas within an image. For instance, if you wish to insert an image of you and your house by your side, and you want links within the image itself. One link goes to your profile on Facebook, and the other is a link to a real estate agent's website from where you bought your house from. But only one link can be inserted in an image normally (we will talk about the codes for that later). So how do you insert TWO links within the SAME image, in TWO DIFFERENT spots in the image?

And thus usemaps come into play. Here is how you do it! 

Me & My House
<img src="meandmyhouse.jpg" title="Me and My House!" usemap="#meandmyhouse">
<map name="meandmyhouse">
<area shape="rect" coords="98,115,247,585" href="www.google.com" title="Me!">
<area shape="rect" coords="432,26,812,444" href="www.somniumtuts.blogspot.com" title="My House!">

Here we have used the "usemap" attribute to the <img> tag. What we've done here is we've written "#meandmyhouse", what this does is it defines a special name for the image that you plan to map. Then, we create a <map> tag, and using the "name" attribute, write down the name of the image we gave previously under the "usemap" attribute. Then we open the <area> tag, that defines the area you want mapped on the image for creating a specific link there. We also specify the shape we wish to use in defining the area. The several options are:

rectangle = "rect"
circle = "circle"
polygon = "polygon"

In this case we've used the "rect" value as the shape. We have written this within the "Shape" attribute of the <area> tag. Then within the "href" attribute, we write down the URL that we want as the link. Then, in the "title" attribute, we write the name that would appear if we hovered our cursor over the specific part of the image that we have particularly defined.

You can try this yourself with some other picture you have, and it is a really good experience. Custom navigation bars, independent advertisements, custom-made buttons etc.

How to Position Text

Positioning text isn't all that difficult, and can be achieved simply by applying some CSS code. Here is a simple example of the code:

<div style="text-align: centre;">
<p>I love to skate on Mount Everest!</p>

In this code above, we use both the <div> tag, and the "style" attribute, with the value "text-align" for positioning our specific text: "I love to skate on Mount Everest!".
The <div> tag is nothing but a layer, to which we assign attributes for content like texts, graphics, animations etc. within those <div> tags. Using the "text-align" attribute, we have three different options:

  1. centre
  2. left
  3. right
You can use this to position images and other stuff also. 

Give us your feedback, and give some comments to help us improve our articles! Thank you!

What is HTML? - Creating a Basic Webpage

This article is the second part of a potential series of articles known as: "What is HTML?" and if you haven't read the first part, this article will be of no use to you. If you wish to proceed to the First Part of this website designing series, go to this link: http://somniumtuts.blogspot.com/2011/04/what-is-html-basics-guide.html

We left from the First Part about how to mentally structure your page and creating a few elements of the HTML coding. Now, in this article, we shall proceed with much more information on how to code and write HTML for your developing websites. In the first part of this series, I discussed about how to get good and FREE source code editors for writing and editing HTML codes, and a few elements of the HTML code, and how to write them, plus a few normal examples. 

Now here, in this article, we will discuss about a few more elements and special attributes assigned to them, and also, how to add an icon to your developing website.

We left behind the First Part of this series with a few tags, namely: <html>, <head> & <title> tags. Now, we shall discuss about the <body></body> tags, that contain all the other content, text, graphics, videos, images etc. within it! You can also change the background color of the website by adding a simple attribute to the <body> tag element. Attributes are simply extra codes assigned to special parts of an element, or tags, that change the appearance, function etc.

In order to change the background color of the website, we shall use a little bit of CSS or Cascading Style Sheets to do this, and is the preferred way of changing the background color. It is simple to set the BG color, and here is an example of the code on how to do it, updating the code we began with from the First Part of this continuing series:

FXDepot Productions|The best place to learn computer stuff...
<body style="background-color: #1BCCE0;">

Here is how the above mentioned code will look in a web browser:

The above code in a web browser.

As you can see in the above code, we have added the attribute to the <body> opening tag, telling the web browser to apply the specific background color command to the entire body of the website. The "style" is the attribute attached to the element, followed by an equal sign, the command of "background-color:#1BCCE0;" I will explain the syntax of this code later on, and how to write it. The alphanumeric code you see followed by the hash sign is the hexidecimal code of the particular color I have chosen. You can also write the name of the colors, like: red, green, black, white, but more intense colors, including shades or lighter colors, cannot be done, so the hexidecimal number of the color must be inserted. It is impossible to remember all the alphanumeric codes of all the colors, so you can go to http://www.colorpicker.com/, where you can just select the color and its code will appear immediately above!

Now we will talk about how to insert icons for your website. First, you must create an icon for yourself. Doing it isn't that hard, and you can use Photoshop or any other good image editor to create an icon. But there are certain restrictions as to how you create your image, and the image can either be only of the dimensions 16x16 or 32x32. The color mode should be in RGB, and the color bit should be 16 bit or 32 bit, respectively. If you are making your image in the dimensions of 16x16, then you must use 16 bit colors. Likewise if you're making it in the dimensions of 32x32.

So after you have created you're image, save it with the extension of ".png". Then you have to host it online in any FREE image hosting service. I would recommend using Image Shack for hosting your images online. Here is the link to it: http://imageshack.us/

Once you've uploaded your image in your account, you'll be given a few links to images, you must copy and paste the specific "Direct Link" to any Word document and keep it safe. Once you've done this, you must begin writing the code. An explanation of this code will be below it, but a more specific and intense explanation will only be in the following article of this series.

FXDepot Productions|The best place to learn computer stuff...
<link rel="icon"
        href="The Direct Link You Got!">
<body style="background-color:#1BCCE0;">

As you can see in the code above, the icon code is inserted in the <head> tags, like I discussed in the First Part of this series, and is inserted using the <link> tag. If you notice the code carefully, you can see that the <link> tag doesn't have any closing tags like: </link>. This is one of the exceptions of from the rule, and many other elements follow this same style. For example the <hr> tag, is used to create a horizontal line across the page to divide two sections of text, graphics, images etc. The <hr> tag doesn't have any closing tags. The <br> tag is used to create link breaks, here is a simple code of involving all the items discussed above:

FXDepot Productions|The best place to learn computer stuff...
<link rel="icon"
        href="The Direct Link you Got">
<body style="background-color:#1BCCE0;">
<p>I love eating pizzas <br> because they are so tasty and are <br> healthy!</p>
<p> I hate eating pizzas <br> because they are disgusting and are <br> not healthy!</p>

As you can see, the <p> tag is for the starting of a new paragraph, and has a closing tag: </p>. As you can see I've inserted the <br> tag which creates line breaks for sentences and also the <hr> tag, which creates a dividing horizontal line across the webpage.

The <link> tag is used to insert the icon. Within the <link> element, we have assigned three attributes, namely: rel, type & href. I will not explain the "ref" attribute now. The "type" attribute specifies the type of extension the image carries, for instance ".jpg", or ".png" or ".gif". In this case we have an image of the particular extension: ".png".

The "href" attribute is the URL or the link to the image that you wish to be inserted as an icon. In this attribute, you have to replace "The Direct Link you Got!" with the direct link you received from your image hosting service for the picture you wish to be inserted as an icon in your website.

So, I hope this article gave you a lot of information on HTML coding, and keep visiting this blog for the other parts of this continuing series: "What is HTML?"

Please give us some feedback by submitting comments from below, so we can alter our way of writing these articles to suit the common audience. Thank you!

Monday, April 11, 2011

What is HTML? - A Basics Guide

HTML is basically a Mark-up language as applied through its full form, Hyper Text Mark-Up Language. It simply uses tags, to open and close certain commands. Learning HTML is extremely easy with a little effort, and can be applied in website designing and creating your own websites. The new version of HTML 5 is currently being written and will be released soon afterwards. CSS is also an important language to learn, both independently and complimentary with HTML code.

Here we will just go through a quick and basic guide on HTML Codes. Our video channel will SOON come up with a few videos that explain the concepts more better and give you a better understanding of HTML and how it can be used for designing attractive and perfect websites.

Creating and editing HTML codes need special source code editors, and for beginners who are starting out with HTML, I would like to recommend Notepad++, which can be downloaded for free off the internet. If you are not comfortable with this, you can also use the normal text editor Notepad installed on a Windows Operating Software, or any simple text editors found on various other operating systems.

Once you've got you're source code editor up and running, you have to primarily think of the structure of the page and how you want it to look like. It is better to not jump to any hasty designs with a lot of attractive features, and it is better for you to begin with more simple designs, like a basic heading, a few columns, some posts here and there, maybe a simple Navigation Bar made out of simple Photoshop-created pictures.

Once you've got your website's basic page structure ready, you can begin outlining it on a piece of paper, which you can keep aside for just reference. Then, you can begin by applying it to the HTML and CSS code.

Now, we will go through the basics of creating any formal HTML webpage for your website.

All HTML pages begin with the <html> tags. The opening tag, or the beginning of a specific command, always usually begins with the angle bracket, the name of the command, the closing angle bracket. The closing tag, or the ceasing of a particular command being carried out, is always an angle bracket, a front slash, followed by the same name of the command, and the closing angle bracket. For instance, the closing tag for the <html> tag is: </html>.

The <html> tag is compulsory, especially for beginners who are just learning the HTML code, and all codes written out in HTML begin with the <html> tag, and end with the </html> closing tag. All the other content, tags, attributes and elements added for the website will ALWAYS be inside or within these two tags. Then let's move on to the <head></head> tags. The <head> tag contains all the information about the code that is not part of its actual content, that you see visually on the browser screen. Information like the webpage's title, icons, links and other stuff are added within these tags. We will be learning just one other element that is added inside the <head> tags and we will continue to the content from there. As you know, the <head> tag, ends with the </head> tag, and within it the <title></title> can also be added. It describes the actual title of the webpage that you are viewing. 

I will give a brief code below, and explain its results following it:

FXDepot Productions | The best place for learning computer stuff...

What will basically appear on the webpage is something like this:

The Code from above opened in a web browser.

What happened is this: we opened the code with a simple <html> tag which is compulsory for every webpage. Then we opened the <head> tag, that carries all the commands and visual data that is not visible in the contents part of the website. We have not added any specific content, which requires the beginning of the <body></body> tags, so the page remains blank. In the <head> tags we have added the <title> tag, which shows the title of the webpage. I wrote: "FXDepot Productions | The best place to learn computer stuff..."

And so it popped up as the title of the webpage up in the Google Chrome tab there, same as it would in all the other web browsers. I hope you understood this part of the HTML basics guide. Since this is Part One, we shall continue with how to change the content, visual data and how to insert an icon for your website.

Please comment below so we receive your feedback and improve our articles based on that! Thank you!

Website Designing & How to Do It!

Recently FXDepot Productions set up a video channel for all of our tutorial-lovers, and we tried to inculcate a good learning experience through them. Currently that Youtube Video Channel is doing well, and we are getting a lot of views.

To visit the video channel, please visit this site: www.youtube.com/user/FXDepotProductions/

Website Designing is not a tough task, and for those people who are looking forward to making a website for themselves or for some specific reason, this tutorial will help you and guide you through the process. This tutorial will provide you with modernized, free-to-use web hosting services and guides to get you through making your websites good-looking and attractive.

Web browsers are software, like Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Netscape Navigator or Google Chrome. These browsers, decode and download information from a remote computer that has these codes and files, or some specific location online. The code, that is specifically used for website designing is HTML, which stands for Hyper Text Mark-Up Language. It is a fairly simple language to learn and is used to design websites. The newly updates versions of HTML coding use different design-specific languages like CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) to compliment the code of HTML. CSS is used specifically for styling, positioning and increasing the visual attractiveness of the website.

So, the first thing you need to do is to learn HTML if you REALLY want to make your own website. Making your own website takes a lot of time and patience and is a really educating process. So please, you have to be patient to actually GET to making your own website.

So learning HTML is very easy and you need a few basic requirements to get you through doing that. You need good source code editors, I would recommend installing the free Notepad++ program, which is available at: http://notepad-plus-plus.org/release/5.9

Here you can download the installer package and setup your source code editor for free! You will be using this code editor for editing and creating your HTML codes for your website.
FTP, is another way of uploading information or codes into your websites domain. This can be done through an FTP Client like FileZilla, which is free to use!

Since I will not be explaining how HTML is used or any tutorials on learning it, you can find ample number of tutorials for HTML on FXDepot's Video Channel: www.youtube.com/user/FXDepotProductions/

Now we will continue talking about how to setup your website online. Websites are allotted special names, or addresses on the Internet, called domain names, for example like: www.google.com, www.youtube.com, www.somniumtuts.blogspot.com, and getting these special addresses within the internet network is not easy. Several companies have servers, or computers capable of storing large amounts of information, and they are called web servers, that provide people with addresses of their own, though, for a price. So, usually, and legally, domain names are always bought, it is almost never free. Free domain names are provided by many web hosting services, but will prefix their own company's name to your domain name. For instance, if you have bought a special domain name from yolasite.com, for FREE, your domain name will be something like this: www.yoursite.yolasite.com.

So, I have found a good web hosting service online called zymic.com, which provides free domain names which have reasonably cool prefixes to them. For instance, zxq.net, is one of their FREE prefixes and is pretty cool, you have to admit that, so hopefully that ease your restlessness. I would recommend using zymic.com, since they provide you with a Free MySQL Database, which is of GREAT use later on as you develop your website.

So, here is the end of this article, and hopefully it has helped you in progressing with the development of your website. For more tutorials on website hosting services or website designing, check out both a few upcoming articles right here on FXDepot Productions, or check out our special video channel at: www.youtube.com/user/FXDepotProductions/