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Saturday, June 4, 2011

Is Artificial Intelligence Even Possible?

Posted on 5:30 AM by Ram Sidh

A good question: is artificial intelligence possible? Yes, it is! Most of you would be thinking that actually creating consciences for non-living beings can be pretty absurd, and also defy the laws of nature. Besides, it goes beyond any religious teaching in the world! AI (Artificial Intelligence) is possible, though no one has had the breakthroughs that are necessary to excel in the field of AI.

People believe that AI would come in the form of servant robots, bent to our will, doing whatever we command of it! No, it doesn't need to be like that! AI can even be present in your personal computer, your TV, you dishwasher etc.

AI doesn't necessarily mean having the ability to think. In the context of computers and such, AI could even mean the possibility of computers to respond correctly to a specific command. Like when we click on our mouse, it selects or enters a file! Similarly, the TV should switch on when we may say: 'On TV', 'Open', 'Channel no.22.'

What I'm basically trying to say is the ability of a digital network to respond to commands actively and correctly. Maybe robots can come much after that, but the first stepping stone to the eventual destination would be the ability of machines to respond to active visual or sound commands, like your voice, or actions.

Your computer can also be considered a semi-conscious being, because it isn't totally independent or able to recognize situations and act accordingly. We give the commands and it will execute them according to our conditions.

So we can hope that scientists and programmers will eventually find a way to integrate trillions upon trillions of triggered responses within a containment, that will respond to each action specifically. The gathering of that kind of information could take countless number of years, but if they are able to finish it, and continuously update these triggered responses through a wireless network, it is possible to create an artificial conscience that is able to respond appropriately to the situation, first viewing the possibilities from its response memory bank, and then cancelling the least probable, selecting those that might be favorable for the given situation. Then it will execute these probabilities until the problem or situation is eliminated.

But the problem is, even this isn't AI, since the robot being itself is following the probabilities that is already stored within its memory banks, put there by human beings. True Artificial Intelligence can only be achieved when a machine is able to think outside of commands and exist and think independently, complete actions and thoughts independently without third parties that give the specific commands.

We can always hope that one day, many years from now, some group of scientists are going to discover the ultimate secret to creating wholly independent consciences capable of thought, response and problem-solving.

As always, we can only hope, and one day a robot will come into existence, that is finally capable of independent thought!

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