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Monday, April 11, 2011

Website Designing & How to Do It!

Posted on 12:14 AM by Ram Sidh

Recently FXDepot Productions set up a video channel for all of our tutorial-lovers, and we tried to inculcate a good learning experience through them. Currently that Youtube Video Channel is doing well, and we are getting a lot of views.

To visit the video channel, please visit this site: www.youtube.com/user/FXDepotProductions/

Website Designing is not a tough task, and for those people who are looking forward to making a website for themselves or for some specific reason, this tutorial will help you and guide you through the process. This tutorial will provide you with modernized, free-to-use web hosting services and guides to get you through making your websites good-looking and attractive.

Web browsers are software, like Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Netscape Navigator or Google Chrome. These browsers, decode and download information from a remote computer that has these codes and files, or some specific location online. The code, that is specifically used for website designing is HTML, which stands for Hyper Text Mark-Up Language. It is a fairly simple language to learn and is used to design websites. The newly updates versions of HTML coding use different design-specific languages like CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) to compliment the code of HTML. CSS is used specifically for styling, positioning and increasing the visual attractiveness of the website.

So, the first thing you need to do is to learn HTML if you REALLY want to make your own website. Making your own website takes a lot of time and patience and is a really educating process. So please, you have to be patient to actually GET to making your own website.

So learning HTML is very easy and you need a few basic requirements to get you through doing that. You need good source code editors, I would recommend installing the free Notepad++ program, which is available at: http://notepad-plus-plus.org/release/5.9

Here you can download the installer package and setup your source code editor for free! You will be using this code editor for editing and creating your HTML codes for your website.
FTP, is another way of uploading information or codes into your websites domain. This can be done through an FTP Client like FileZilla, which is free to use!

Since I will not be explaining how HTML is used or any tutorials on learning it, you can find ample number of tutorials for HTML on FXDepot's Video Channel: www.youtube.com/user/FXDepotProductions/

Now we will continue talking about how to setup your website online. Websites are allotted special names, or addresses on the Internet, called domain names, for example like: www.google.com, www.youtube.com, www.somniumtuts.blogspot.com, and getting these special addresses within the internet network is not easy. Several companies have servers, or computers capable of storing large amounts of information, and they are called web servers, that provide people with addresses of their own, though, for a price. So, usually, and legally, domain names are always bought, it is almost never free. Free domain names are provided by many web hosting services, but will prefix their own company's name to your domain name. For instance, if you have bought a special domain name from yolasite.com, for FREE, your domain name will be something like this: www.yoursite.yolasite.com.

So, I have found a good web hosting service online called zymic.com, which provides free domain names which have reasonably cool prefixes to them. For instance, zxq.net, is one of their FREE prefixes and is pretty cool, you have to admit that, so hopefully that ease your restlessness. I would recommend using zymic.com, since they provide you with a Free MySQL Database, which is of GREAT use later on as you develop your website.

So, here is the end of this article, and hopefully it has helped you in progressing with the development of your website. For more tutorials on website hosting services or website designing, check out both a few upcoming articles right here on FXDepot Productions, or check out our special video channel at: www.youtube.com/user/FXDepotProductions/

6 Response to "Website Designing & How to Do It!"

Anonymous Says....

Once you get comfortable with notepad++, you can start using an online html editor such as the one at www.easywebcontent.com It helps me quickly update pages almost everyday

Ram Sidh Says....

Thank you 'Ngoc' for entering that comment & giving our other viewers a few more extra facts!


Unknown Says....

Your all post are always great,thanks a lot for sharing the best and useful information about website design services. Thanks again!

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Unknown Says....

Great insights and such a beautifully written article.

Thanks for sharing it's highly appreciated.
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